Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Find Past Entries

Did you know … The Library articles that appear in The Weekly are archived on The What’s New at Affinity Libraries Blog?

Visit us here!

Or Affinity Intranet > Library > What’s New?

Wish you could find a particularly helpful article from 6 months ago?

Use the “Search this Blog” feature (Above).

Or browse back in time on the archive of past posts (Left).

Monday, October 22, 2007

Archives Week : National Medical Librarians' Month

Photos from The Tank Family Farm, Oshkosh, WI.

Sneak a peak at some of our archival scrapbooks and photo albums online.

Affinity Archives Web Albums on Picassa

These days, many of the pictures we’re acquiring for the Affinity Archives come in digital format. While this poses some unique preservation challenges (Will they be around 100 years from now? Think about the fate of 8-track tapes from the 1970s …), it does allow us to make these pictures much more accessible to people.

If you have pictures (digital or paper) that you would like to donate to the MMC or STE Library Archives, contact us :

Michele Matucheski at MMC
Margo Lambert at STE

What are we looking for?
People, places, and events from around Affinity, and Affinity in the Communities.
Examples :
Nurses Week
Heritage Days
Affinity Packer Picnics

Anything that captures the spirit, culture, and times of Affinity.
If you’ve got pictures, we’d love to have copies for the Archives!

How is this useful?
At MMC, the Hallmarks of History exhibit includes photos from The Tank Family Farm, the farm that was on the building site of the present Mercy Medical Center. Not long ago, some neighbors of the Tanks from years ago asked about the Tank Family Farm Pictures. They had been removed from the exhibit. By making the pictures available as a web photo album, we were easily able to share the photos. The family was very pleased!

Monday, October 15, 2007

What's New at Affinity Libraries? Audio Book Drive

By Margo Lambert, MLIS

If you regularly listen to recorded books and are wondering what to do with that rapidly growing collection of tapes and CDs to which you’ll never listen again, please consider donating them to the Affinity Libraries and help to enhance our patients’ experiences.

The Affinity Libraries wish to develop a collection of general interest recorded books to be made available to patients. Since the purchase of non-medical materials falls outside the scope of acceptable uses for library funds, we are inviting AHS staff members to donate gently used books on cassette or CD. We would welcome fiction, history, humor, biography, or any other titles that might entertain and help pass the time for those facing longer periods of hospitalization or for those who must undergo lengthy treatments. It is our hope that, by providing this type of material to our patients, we will be able to increase patient satisfaction with our facilities.

Of course, staff members would also be welcome to check out these materials.

We will be accepting donated audio books at the following locations:

Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh
The Clark Family Library

St. Elizabeth Hospital
Health Science Library (near the ER)

Thank you very much for your participation in this project.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Looking for Answers? : Your Librarian has the Key to Quality Information!

What does a Health Science Librarian do all day?

It’s a lot more than just circulating and shelving books.

In between helping people to use the computers, unclogging paper jams in the MFD, giving tours of the library and website, writing articles for The Weekly …

First and foremost, Librarians help people find the information they need to make well-informed health care decisions.

Who do we help?
Physicians, Nurses, Physical Therapists, Transcriptionists, Administrators, other health professionals, Patients and their families, community members, and students.

What are they looking for? Articles and information on :
Current updates in their specialty areas
Continuing Education and Training
Best Practices for Patient Care
Consumer Health and Patient Education Information
Policy Updates
Patient Safety Initiatives
Drug Info
Research for student papers (Many employees have gone back to school.)

How do we do help?
* By organizing and making accessible libraries of information in both physical (real-world books and journals) and online environments (internet).
* By training people to use the library tools to find what they need
* By doing the research in the form of database and internet searches
* By delivering the articles and information to our patrons
* By helping people use technology efficiently

Does our work make a difference?
YES! Information can help a patient or family member deal with a new diagnosis or treatment by alleviating anxiety, and by empowering them to take part in their own health care. It can also help them to cope, and develop a game plan.

One woman says, “At the age of 35, my brother was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. The helpful staff at The Mercy Library provided several books and handouts on the topic. For years my family had been wondering why this otherwise smart person (my brother) just wasn’t able to function in the world (He couldn’t hold a job, made poor decisions, didn’t have many friends, made inappropriate comments …) With this information, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Now, we understand that his brain is literally wired differently. We have a whole new understanding of what to expect, what situations to beware of, how we can support him, what he needs to work on, and what he might still be able to accomplish with his life. We know what we’re dealing with now, and we’re ALL learning to cope with this form of high-functioning autism. My brother is currently in counseling to learn the social skills he couldn’t pick up on his own. Thus starts the road to recovery.”

Monday, October 01, 2007

Your Medical Librarian : The Key to Quality Information

October is National Medical Librarian's Month
Celebrate with Affinity Library Services.
We'll be having special features all month. Stay tuned!

October is National Medical Librarians' Month : Enter Our Drawing

How many Life Savers in the jar?

Enter your guess online by visiting the library website, or use this web form.

Or stop by the libraries at :

· Mercy Medical Center Library
· St. Elizabeth Hospital Professional Library
· St. Elizabeth Hospital Resource CafĂ©
· Affinity Health & Wellness Center at the20th Ave Oshkosh YMCA.

Contest ends October 31.
One entry per person, please.

The winning entry wins all the candy!

As always, it is our pleasure to serve you.

Word Search Chellenge for NMLM!

Complete this Word Search (Word doc) for a chance to win a gift certificate to the MMC or STE Gift Shops.

By Popular request, Margo made this year's puzzle a little more difficult than last year.

Have Fun!