Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Connect with Targeted Nursing Resources at The Advisory Board

 The Nursing Executive Center’s Best Practice Crosswalk enables nursing leaders to easily identify Center resources which will help solve their most pressing challenges. Through the Best Practice Crosswalk users can quickly search for resources across six subject areas and 30 sub-topic areas, refining their search results to find solutions which can be implemented on a single nursing unit or across the entire nursing department. In three easy steps, connect with targeted tactics.

• Select topic and sub-topic of interest
Select the topic and subtopic of interest and define the scope of desired resource (either individual unit or the entire nursing department).

• Refine search (if desired)
Refine your search at any time by clicking the “Refine Search” button in the navigation bar at the top of the Best Practice Crosswalk. Easily change the selected topic or subtopic, or refine results by changing the scope of resources included in the search.

• “Click-through” to supporting material
Easily “click-through” the list of Center resources to access materials of interest, including: best practices, publications, online tools, on-demand video presentations, and on-demand web conferences.

Nursing Executive Center members may access the tool now.

Affinity employees and colleagues can register for a personal Advisory Board login (This may take 24 hours to verify). Be sure to use an Affinity email.

Find it on the Library Website :
Affinity Intranet > Library > Find Articles > Databases by Subject
      > Nursing > Best Practice Crosswalk – Nursing Executive Center

Adapted from Advisory Board’s “Daily Briefing” email newsletter on 03/22/2011.

The Advisory Board provides online access to the research and services of The Advisory Board. Affinity employees and colleagues can register for a personal login (This may take 24 hours to verify).

Full-text access to reports on best practices, leadership development, technology assessment and planning. Implementation kits and technology briefs summarize the latest findings to assist decision making on adoption of new technologies.

Find it on the Affinity Intranet :
Affinity Intranet Homepage > Library > General Reference Links > Advisory Board

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Harrison's Online via AccessMedicine

The world’s most respected medical reference on every Affinity computer.

Harrison’s Online provides instant access to this major reference for clinicians offering strategies for understanding, diagnosing and managing disease.

• Based on Harrison’s Principles on Internal Medicine
• Continuously updated with new and revised content
• Over 90 videos of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems

Keep these links handy by adding them to your IE favorites or adding shortcuts to your desktop.

Harrison’s Online - Access via any Affinity computer

Questions or Comments? Please contact your Librarians :

               Michele Matucheski (MMC) 3-0340
               Margo Lambert (STE) 8-2325

Monday, March 07, 2011

Centenary of the death of Venerable Servant of God Mary Frances of the Cross Streitel - March 6, 2011

By Carrie Hankes, chankes@affinityhealth.org

Mother Frances Streitel founded the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, who through a dedicated life of apostolic service, vitalized by a contemplative spirit, care for those in need, especially the poor.

On Wednesday, February 25, 1891, the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother (SSM) founded Mercy Medical Center and shaped its ongoing mission to serve the sick and the poor.

March 6, 2011 marks the Centenary of the death of our Venerable Mother Frances. “Mother Frances lived her faith fully, by living the Gospel and being faithful to the traditions of the Church. She always nurtured a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin asking her to be her guide in helping her to remain at the foot of the Cross and to follow the will of God. She is a faithful witness of God’s love, can be an example for us and all the faithful on our journey to holiness.” - Sr. M. Teresina Marra, SSM General Superior

“…Prayer and work must go hand in hand and, like twin sisters, strive to remedy the spiritual and social misery of humankind, teaching it again what it means to pray and to work.” –Mother Frances Streitel

Learn more about her amazing journey at   http://www.motherfrancesstreitel.org/