Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Need Journal Articles?

If you need to identify relevant articles, try our citation databases. Most have links to the full-text articles.

Not comfortable doing your own searches? Request a Literature Search done by your Librarians, Margo or Michele. We are expert searchers! Just tell us what you are looking for.

If you have a complete citation in mind, check the Affinity Library Services’ A-Z Journals List to see if we have full-text access online or in print.

You can also Request an Article, and we’ll take care of the work in finding it for you. If we don’t own it, we have inter-library loan arrangements with libraries all over North America. We can usually get the article for free or low cost without a credit card.

Let us help you get the info you need!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Database of the Month – MDConsult

If you want a single place to find news, articles, guidelines, and patient information resources, look no further than MDConsult.

Review more than 50 electronic, full-text leading reference books
Access full-text articles in more than 80 journals and the Clinics of North America
Browse more than 1,000 peer-reviewed practice guidelines
Create customized patient education materials
Obtain CME credit
Locate drug information provided by Gold Standard
Keep current with news updates and selected articles from prominent medical journals
Create a personal MDConsult account from an Affinity Computer and access MDConsult from any computer with Internet access.

Access MDConsult here or from the Library page under “Most Popular Links”.