Wednesday, February 24, 2010

St. Elizabeth Hospital Health Science Professional Library is Moving!!!

The St. Elizabeth Hospital Health Science Professional Library is moving and will be closed from Friday, February 26 – Wednesday, March 3. Computers and the color copier/printer will be unavailable during that time.

If you need library assistance while we are closed, you are welcome to contact the library at Mercy Medical Center (; 920-223-0342). The librarians at Mercy will be glad to assist you with your research and other projects.

The professional library will reopen in its new location on Thursday, March 4. You will find us in the lower level of the 2006 Hospital Addition near the lab. The most direct way to get to the library will be to take the elevator near the gift shop to the lower level. Exit the elevator, turn right, and you’ll see the library just to the right of a small stairwell.

What will change?

• Library materials and computers will be in the same room.
• For safety and security reasons, access to the new professional library will be limited to Affinity employees. Patients and visitors should be directed to the Resource Café Consumer Health Library by the coffee shop.
• Our collection of fiction and general interest audio books will now be housed in the Resource Café library.

What will stay the same?

• Though smaller, the professional library will still provide four Intranet computers for Affinity Staff, and a table and chairs for those who need work space.
• Library hours will remain the same (8 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday).
• We will continue to provide professional, friendly, high-quality research, document delivery, and other library services for those who use the library from remote locations as well as those who visit in person.
• Affinity employees will still be able to use the library 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Those using the library after hours will need to ask a security officer for access.)

As we all work together during this latest hospital revitalization, the library staff at St. Elizabeth Hospital wants to assure you that, while the professional library will be smaller and in a different location, we will continue to strive to provide the most useful information and the highest quality service to assist you in caring for patients and other responsibilities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you very much!

Margo A. Lambert, MLIS
Librarian – St. Elizabeth Hospital Libraries

Monday, February 01, 2010

PubMed Advanced Search, Limits, and Homepage Revised

This article from the NLM Technical Bulletin (Jan-Feb 2010) includes screen shots and explanations of the latest changes to PubMed.

Remember to use the PubMed Link on the Affinity Library website to take advantage of our full-text offerings, not otherwise available to the general public.

PubMed is the “free” version of Medline, the journal citation index for medicine and life sciences. It currently covers 19 million citations, and continues to grow.

PubMed offers QuickStart Tutorials for searching PubMed, and doing common tasks like
· Searching for a specific citation
· Searching for a specific author
· Searching for a specific subject / topic
· Explaining the search results

Your Librarians, Margo Lambert (STE) and Michele Matucheski (MMC) are also available for live help on searching PubMed. Just ask!