Monday, October 24, 2005

Finding the Best Evidence

Are you charged with searching for evidence-based practice information? Wondering where to start?

Try the new and improved Find the Best Evidence : Evidence-Based Practice Tool Summary web page.
Affinity Intranet > Library > Find the Best Evidence

This new page presents many of the Evidence-based Practice (EBP) tools Affinity users can access, in an easy-to-use format.

Using the modified Haynes Pyramid9see above), I recommend that people start at the top and work down through the arrangement of evidence-based practice tools.

  • Evidence at the top of the pyramid (ie: a Cochrane Systematic Review) will be easier to find and apply.
  • Evidence at the bottom is closer to raw research data and requires more evaluation and interpretation on the part of the reader/researcher. You may need to ask yourself, “Is this a well-done clinical trial? Does the study structure have flaws? Do the statistics make sense? Does this apply to my patient(s)?”

The Cochrane Library is considered the gold standard of EBP. If you can find a Cochrane Review on your topic, you’re in luck. Keep in mind, though, that Cochrane is a relatively small database. Although new reviews are being added regularly, the review you need may not have been written yet, so you may need to move down the pyramid to find evidence that applies to your particular clinical question.

Visit Find the Best Evidence for more information.