Thursday, March 23, 2006

How do I find the online version of the PDR?

Looking for the electronic version of The Physician’s Desk Reference?

How to Find the PDR Online is a tutorial with step-by-step screenshots to help you find this valuable drug reference on the Affinity intranet website.

Many physicians and staff still want to use the PDR to look up medications. The updated book version is no longer routinely available in most departments, as the access is more widely available online now.

The Find Drug Information for Health Professionals link on the Library website will lead you to several other online sources for clinical drug information. These include the following :
* Clinical Pharmacology
* MDConsult (Mosby’s Drug Consult)
* Micromedex
* Online Books on Drugs and Medications
* Drug Information for Patients and Families

You might even find something you like better than the PDR!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michele Matucheski (920)223-0340 or via Outlook.