Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ScienceDirect eJournals Available Online

325 new ejournals including old favorites like :

· American Heart Journal
· American Journal of Cardiology
· Annals of Emergency Medicine
· Heart & Lung
· Journal of Pain & Symptom Management
· Journal of Pediatrics

Visit the complete list here.

As of January 2008, Affinity Libraries are no longer receiving print copies of these journals. Instead, we now have reliable online access to these plus many more titles through ScienceDirect. As long as you are accessing these titles via an Affinity computer, you should be able to access full-text cleanly and effortlessly.

Access to our complete list of ScienceDirect titles is integrated into everyday Library tools and resources like :
OvidSP (Medline and CINAHL)
Google Scholar
A-Z Journals List
PubMed LinkOut

That means, if you are searching a database like Medline, the results come up with links to the full-text articles, when available.

Ask us about online Tables-of-Contents : a efficient way to keep up with new developments in your areas of interest.

Your Librarians,
Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP email via Outlook or 3-0340 (phone)
Margo Lambert, MLS email via Outlook or 8-2857 (phone)