Monday, November 10, 2008

Search Help for Ebsco CINAHL

In early October, our access to the CINAHL Nursing & Allied Health database changed from Ovid to Ebsco.

How do I find CINAHL on the Affinity Intranet?
Affinity Intranet Home > Library >
Scroll down to the very bottom of the page.
CINAHL is the last thing in the right column under “Most Popular Links.”

Here are some resources to help with the transition of getting used to Ebsco CINAHL :

Ebsco CINAHL with Full-Text Database Guide from Ebsco

CINAHL Search with Subject Headings – Duke University Medical Center Library. This is a 5 minute video that demonstrates using Subject Headings to search CINAHL. It requires Macromedia Flash and speakers.

Using CINAHL - From the University of Florida Health Sciences Center Libraries, this website offers interactivity in the form of narrated examples and click-to-learn tutorials. It also provides valuable information pertaining to CINAHL navigation and search strategies.

In addition, Affinity Librarians, Margo (STE ext. 8-2325) and Michele (MMC ext. 3-0340) are available for one-on-one sessions to help staff get used to the new Ebsco CINAHL. We can show you the basics of searching CINAHL to more advanced techniques like subject and keyword searching, using limits, full-text access, and saving searches/creating alerts.

If you would prefer, we are also available to search CINAHL on your behalf. Just tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll craft the search strategy and present you with a list of relevant citations.