Monday, February 18, 2008

Free Trial for NCMEtv

Through April 15, 2008, we will be doing a free trial of NCMEtv.

Many of you are already familiar with NCME. They produce the high quality CME video programs we show when a scheduled speaker is unable to attend. The Affinity Libraries have subscribed to NCME for many years. Soon, NCME will no longer be providing phycial DVD or videos in favor of their new online NCMEtv delivery program.

We need your help in determining if this would be a useful subscription for Affnity.

Benefits :
  • Wider access available at your computer desktop 24/7
  • Same cost as for monthly DVDs with much wider access
  • Online submission of CME Tests
  • Instant CME Certificates

Questions : Will it be used? Only YOU can help us answer this question ...

More Info (Affinity Access only):
NCMEtv Brochure

NCMEtv Registration Info Step-by-Step

Free Trials Evaluation Form We want to kow what you think!

You will also find links at the top of the Affinity Library web page.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Wildlife Siting at Mercy : Bald Eagle

This week, while eating lunch in the Mercy Cafeteria, I saw a majestic Bald Eagle swoop down over the frozen pond. The white head and tail were unmistakable. It was quite a sight to behold!

Several years ago, I created a list of animal sitings in and around the Mercy Pond in Oshkosh, WI. If you've seen animals not already on the list, please let me know, and I will add them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ScienceDirect eJournals Available Online

325 new ejournals including old favorites like :

· American Heart Journal
· American Journal of Cardiology
· Annals of Emergency Medicine
· Heart & Lung
· Journal of Pain & Symptom Management
· Journal of Pediatrics

Visit the complete list here.

As of January 2008, Affinity Libraries are no longer receiving print copies of these journals. Instead, we now have reliable online access to these plus many more titles through ScienceDirect. As long as you are accessing these titles via an Affinity computer, you should be able to access full-text cleanly and effortlessly.

Access to our complete list of ScienceDirect titles is integrated into everyday Library tools and resources like :
OvidSP (Medline and CINAHL)
Google Scholar
A-Z Journals List
PubMed LinkOut

That means, if you are searching a database like Medline, the results come up with links to the full-text articles, when available.

Ask us about online Tables-of-Contents : a efficient way to keep up with new developments in your areas of interest.

Your Librarians,
Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP email via Outlook or 3-0340 (phone)
Margo Lambert, MLS email via Outlook or 8-2857 (phone)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Featured Databases of the Month: Ovid and Cinahl

When you hear librarians talk about searching Ovid, Medline and CINAHL are most likely the databases being used. Here is some general information about these resources:

The intended audience is health professionals
A search in CINAHL will lead to articles in Nursing and Allied Health Journals
A search in Medline will lead to articles in Clinical Medical journals
Since Affinity offers extensive online journal collections, many articles found using CINAHL Medline are available directly through Ovid, saving valuable time
Use CINAHL and MEDLINE to locate research on medical conditions and treatments

Monday, February 04, 2008

OvidSP is HERE!

If you search Affinity's MEDLINE, CINAHL, or Cochrane Library databases, you’ll notice that Ovid has a whole new look and feel beginning February 4, 2008.

Affinity Librarians will be available to help with the transition of getting used to using the new OvidSP. Contact Michele Matucheski or Margo Lambert via Outlook. We will be happy to sit down with you and lead you through the new interface.

We have OvidSP Quick Reference Cards available. Stop by the Libraries to pick one up or request that one be sent to you.

Remember to take advantage of the Help Files, OvidSP User's Guide, and the Database Field Guide available at the top of every page of the Ovid databases.

If you want a more formal online tour, try the following tutorials on the new interface from health science libraries around the US :

Online Tutorials:

OvidSP Tutorials – Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University
OvidSP –Medical College of Wisconsin Library
OvidSP –University of Michigan Taubman Medical Library
Using PICO to search the OvidSP CINAHL Nursing Database – North Colorado Medical Center Medical Library

Documentation / Handouts:

Multiple Search Modes in OvidSP for MEDLINE (and more): What to Expect – Himmelfarb Library
Natural Language Searching Medline (and more) on OvidSP – Himmelfarb Library
RSS Feeds on OvidSP –Himmelfarb Library
OVID databases starter workbook (pdf) –University of Leeds Library
OVID databases advanced workbook (pdf) –University of Leeds Library

Friday, February 01, 2008

2008 Affinity CME Video Blog

We've created a new Affinty CME Video Blog for 2008. The url is slightly different, so you may want to update your Favorites or your RSS Feed.
The first program for 2008 is Asymptomatic Primary Hyperparathypothyroidism by Rebecca Sipple, MD. More info here ...

The 2008 Video Blog does have a sidebar link to the 2007 version, so you'll still be able to view the 2007 programs.

If you signed up for Feedburner email notifications on the 2007 video blog, you may want to sign up again since the 2008 version is a whole new blog.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments on the CME Video Blog.

Your Librarian,
Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP