We’ve started a free book exchange at Mercy Medical Center.
Outside the MMC Library, across from the Sisters on the Hallmarks of History, you’ll see a wire rack for the Free Book Exchange.
How it works :
• Bring a book and leave it.
• Pick one up and take it.
• Bring it back or pass it on.
• No check outs.
• Enjoy reading!
• Donations accepted. Items must be clean and in good condition, please.
Patients often request fiction and leisure reading material while they are staying at Mercy. However, this is out-of-scope for a health science library where our focus is health and medicine. We also know that some of our employees and volunteers are great readers, and want to share their books. This is a way to meet the needs of our patients and employees at WHOLE people.
Who can participate?
Anyone on the MMC Campus! Staff, visitors, volunteers, patients. Anyone walking by the rack can feel free to “give and take.”
Special Thanks to nurse Jean Wollenberg, a voracious reader, for the suggestion!