Wednesday, December 05, 2012

FirstConsult Point-of-Care Tool

You may have noticed a new tab in MDConsult (See above).

FirstConsult offers even more evidence-based, point-of-care info from MDConsult, in addition to medical eBooks, journal articles and guidelines we've had.

FirstConsult offers :
• Evidence-based clinical summaries on Evaluation, Diagnosis, Clinical Management, Prognosis and Prevention
*  Treatment and Dosing Info
*  ICD-9 Codes
•  Continually updated knowledge base of medical topics
• Differential Diagnosis Tool
• Step-by-Step procedures with video and animation
• It can be deeply integrated into the electronic health record
• With a personal MDC account, access both MDConsult and FirstConsult via iPad or other internet-enabled mobile device. There’s also an app for iPhones.

Take the 2-minute tour.

FirstConsult will make your work life easier, with quick answers that can be integrated into your workflow.    People who've seen it say it's very similar to Up-to-Date, and more economically priced.

Target Audience : All Health Care Providers (Physicians, PAs, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Pharmacists, Coders and other Allied Health Professionals will also benefit by getting a fuller picture of a particular health condition and it’s recommended treatments.)

Questions, Comments, or Concerns?
          Please contact your Librarian :
          Michele Matucheski (MMC) 3-0340 or via Outlook