Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Access Medicine is Now Available to ALL Affinity Providers and Staff

AccessMedicineTM from McGraw-Hill is an innovative online resource that provides clinicians and health professionals with access to :

• more than 60 medical titles from the best minds in medicine
• updated content
• thousands of images
• interactive self-assessment
• a comprehensive search platform
• and the ability to download content to a mobile device.

Get Started with AccessMedicine!

Quick Guide to Access Medicine (2-page pdf)

Turn to Trusted Medical References
More than 60 leading textbooks, including the most current Harrison’s, Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2011, Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, William’s Obstetrics, Hurst’s The Heart and more...with updates!

Watch Multimedia to See Medicine in Action
A collection of videos and animations, including cardiac imaging from Harrison's Online and detailed drug interaction animations from Goodman and Gilman's, provide interactive demonstrations of medical topics.

Consult an Image Library for Visual Diagnosis
A library of more than 30,000 clinical photographs and illustrations available and downloadable for educational use. Don't forget to hone your interpretation skills with Hurst's Imaging Tests.

Search for Drugs and Patient Handouts
Integrated drug database provides critical information, as well as patient handouts.

Test Yourself on Key Concepts and Prepare for the Boards
Q&A in multiple subjects to help you ace the boards and Lange Case Files allow you to apply knowledge to real-life clinical cases.

Utilize Point-of-Care Tools for the Busy Professional
Treatment answers are available for rapid access! Download Diagnosaurus today and find immediate answers anywhere!

Where is it?
Use the links above or go directly to
Feel free to bookmark it, or create shortcuts to your desk top.
Use any Affinity computer or your remote access.

You’ll also find links for Access Medicine on The Affinity Library Services Website.
                         > Look under Most Popular Links on the right side.

Additionally, all 68 of the Access Medicine Textbooks are individually linked and listed on our Electronic Bookshelf (which offers a complete listing our 350+ eBooks).

Questions or comments? Contact your Librarians via phone or Outlook :
          Michele Matucheski        3-0340 MMC Library
          Margo Lambert              8-2857 STE Library

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Ask a Librarian : Find Full-Text Articles with DOI and the A-Z List

Previously, we showed you how to use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in Google to locate the full-text of an article. In come cases, Affinity full-text access to a particular article may reside on the “invisible web” in a subscribed full-text collection like Cinahl-FT or MDConsult, rather than directly at the publisher’s website. Contrary to popular belief, Google tends to miss these deep links. In these cases, we have another tool to help us track down the full-text.

If you know the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for a particular article (example: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2007.00665.x), you can often use the DOI for quick access.

Use the search box on the Affinity A-Z Journals List.

How to get there : Affinity Intranet > Library > A-Z Journals List

Click on the drop-down arrow to change the default from PubMedID to DOI.

Enter the DOI and click Search. Tip : A quick cut and paste may be the easiest option to limit typos.

Magically, the citation will appear without you having entered any of the parts.

In this case, the article is “Harry Potter & the Curse of Headache” in the clinical medical journal Headache.
     Below the citation, you’ll see our Affinity options for full-text.
     Click on one of the Article links to see the full-text.

In this case, we’re taken out to the publisher’s website.

     * You can read the full article on your computer screen as html.
     * Click on the PDF link if you want to print a copy on paper.

If you still can’t get to the full-text, contact your Librarians. We have a few more tools to get you the info and articles you’re looking for. Let us do the searching for you. ;-)

Questions or comments? Contact your Librarians via phone or Outlook :
          Michele Matucheski 3-0340 MMC Library
          Margo Lambert 8-2857 STE Library

Getting to the Full-Text Tutorials [Affinity Access Only]:
          When You Have a Citation – Part 1 ) Using the PubMed Citation Matcher
          When You Have a Citation – Part 2) A-Z List PubMed ID Shortcut
          When You are Searching – Part 3) Google Scholar and Affinity Full-Text
          When You Have a DOI - Part 4) Using Google and DOI
          When You Have a DOI – Part 5) Using the A-Z List and DOI

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ask a Librarian : Find Full-Text Articles with DOI

If you know the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for a particular article (example: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2007.00665.x), you can often use the DOI to quickly access the full-text of an article. You can find DOIs wherever articles are referenced : article citations online and in print, tables-of-contents, emails, twitter posts, etc.
The easiest way is to copy and paste the DOI string into a Google search box :

Because the DOI is unique to a particular digital document, the first item that comes up is usually the one you’re looking for :

Clicking on the link will take you to the publisher’s website where the full-text of this particular article lives.

In this case, the article is “Harry Potter & the Curse of Headache” in the clinical journal Headache. It’s the first item in the search results list. Library Services pays for online access to this journal, so getting to the full-text is easy!

Bonus : If the article you are looking for is one of the 12,000 e-journals for which Affinity Library Services has brokered access, you’ll be able to get the full-text hassle-free--as long as you're using an Affinity computer.

Note : If you did this same search at home, the Publisher would ask you for your credit card number to proceed to the full-text. As long as you’re at an Affinity computer, and it’s a publisher who recognizes us, you’ll be able to get through.

In this case, we’re taken out to the publisher’s website where you can read the full article on your computer screen as html. Or click on the PDF link if you want to print a copy on paper.

Questions or comments? Contact your Librarians via phone or Outlook :
          Michele Matucheski 3-0340 MMC Library
          Margo Lambert 8-2857 STE Library

Getting to the Full-Text Tutorials [Affinity Access Only]:
          When You Have a Citation – Part 1 ) Using the PubMed Citation Matcher
          When You Have a Citation – Part 2) A-Z List PubMed ID Shortcut
          When You are Searching – Part 3) Google Scholar and Affinity Full-Text
          When you have a DOI - Part 4) Using Google and DOI

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

National Medical Librarians’ Month 2010 Prize Winners

The Affinity Library Services Staff wishes to extend a hearty "Thank You" to all who participated in the National Medical Librarians’ Month contests.

From the Clark Family Library at Mercy Medical Center:

Gretchen Glassen, AMG Clinic Manager at the Heart Lung Center at Mercy Oakwood guessed the correct number of gummy worms and won Dove Chocolates.

Ruth Jahns from the Mercy Wound Clinic won the thumb drive.

From the Health Science and Resource Café Libraries at St. Elizabeth Hospital:

Geralyn Hoffmann (STE EVS) guessed the correct number of Dove Chocolates in the jar in the STE Health Science Library and won the chocolates.

Carolyn Shea (Outpatient Rehab on College Avenue), Resource Café Library user, guessed the correct number of gummy worms and won some Dove Chocolates.

Jeannie Morey (AMG Orthopaedics, Madison Center) won the thumb drive.

Again, thanks to all who participated from your Affinity Library Staff (Michele and Ann at Mercy; Margo and Karen and St. E’s)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Celebrate Respiratory Care Week!

It’s Respiratory Care Week! Taken together, lung diseases (such as asthma, COPD, flu and lung cancer) are the third leading cause of death in the US. But this MedlinePlus page on Lung Diseases has information to help you breathe easier:

Reposted from the National Library of Medicne's FaceBook page. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3 New Ortho Books

Affinity Library Services is pleased to offer 3 new Ortho books available online through Books at Ovid (Affinity Access only).
These are also now listed in The Electronic Bookshelf, where you'll find a complete listing of our eBook offerings. Subjects : Orthopedics, Surgery

    Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics : The Anatomic Approach  (Affinity access only)

Feel free to bookmark these titles, or any other. These links should work as long as you are using an Affinity computer, or using remote access. Please let me know if you have any problems with access.

Other links of interest :

The Electronic Bookshelf - Affinity Library Services

          Ortho eBooks  15 titles including Campbell's and Rockwood

          Surgery eBooks  24 titles in Surgery

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We've Got What You Need ...

It's (not exactly) New at Affinity Libraries, but you might not be aware our basic services.

You need – Articles
 You want a copy of an article you saw mentioned in the newspaper (or Medscape, or a professional newsletter, or another journal article).

        Affinity Librarians will – locate and get the article for you as soon as we can.

You need – Research
You want to find out what has been published on a certain topic (related to patient care or any other work-related tasks).

        Affinity Librarians will – search our available resources to find articles or other information from sources you can trust in order to support your work.

You need – Current Health Information that you can trust for a patient, friend, family member, or for yourself.

        Affinity Librarians will – search our quality print and online resources for materials a layperson can use and understand.

You need -- Training
You are curious about the variety of electronic databases and other resources we offer and would like to learn how to use them.

        Affinity Librarians will – teach you how to use our resources so that, if you wish to search on your own, you’ll be able to build the skills to do so. (However, please remember that your librarians are always happy to do these searches for you.)

October is National Medical Librarians Month. To find out how we can help you, please contact the libraries at Mercy Medical Center ( ; 920-223-0342) or St. Elizabeth Hospital ( ; 920-738-2324). We look forward to working with you.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Drawings for Dove Chocolates and 4GB Thumb Drive

Enter our free drawings
Help!  Gummy Worms have invaded the MMC Library computer lab.  This is what we've caught so far ...

How many gummy worms in the jar?
Enter your guess online by visiting the library website, or use this web form

Or stop by the Libraries at :
*  Mercy Medical Center Library
*  St. Elizabeth Hospital Professional Library
*  St. Elizabeth Hospital Resource Cafe
*  Affinity Health & Wellness Center at the 20th Ave. Oshkosh YMCA

Contest ends October 31.
One entry per person per site.

The closest guess wins an assortment of Dove Chocolates (unless you want the worms instead)!

Door Prize
You could also win a 4GB Data Traveler Thumb Drive!

Good luck!

Librarians Save Time and Money : Celebrate National Medical Librarians Month

As members of the healthcare team, Health Science Librarians:
*   Improve patient care outcomes
*   Enhance staff effectiveness and satisfaction
*   Provide resources for teaching and learning
*   Increase patient and family satisfaction
*   Support innovation, research, and quality improvement. 

October is (once again) National Medical Librarians Month.
Celebrate with Affinity Library Services.
We'll be having special features all month.  Stay tuned!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Emailed Table-of-Contents (eTOCs) for Health Care Business and Finance Journals

The following is a subset of professional journals focusing on The Business of Health Care.

You can receive emailed updates for each new issue, with links to the full-text articles.
eTOCs are a great way to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in this ever-evolving specialty.

Contact Affinity Library Services to register for email alerts for these journals.

* Sneak a peak at what you’ll get for the titles below.
* Click article titles to access full-text.
* Sign-up for email / RSS notices if you like what you see.
* Or just tell us what you want, and we’ll do the rest!

The Accounting Review (EbscoHost – Business Source Premier)

Harvard Business Review (EbscoHost – BSP)   
                    Sample EbscoAlert eTOC

Hastings Center Report (EbscoHost – Academic Search Premier)

HealthLeaders (Published free on Internet)

Health Care Collector (EbscoHost – BSP)

HFM : Healthcare Financial Management (EbscoHost – BSP)

Health Care Financing Review (EbscoHost - BSP)

Health Care Registration  (EbscoHost - BSP) 

Health Facilities Management (Ebsco – BSP)

Hospital Accounts Receivable Analysis (EbscoHost – BSP)

Hospitals & Health Networks (EbscoHost - BSP)

Managed Healthcare Executive (EbscoHost - BSP)

Medical Economics (EbscoHost – BSP)

Modern Healthcare (EbscoHost - BSP)

Patient Access Resource Center  (Free Blog from HCPro)

Patient Access Weekly Advisor  (Free newsletter from HCPro) 
                           More Free eNewsletters from HCPro

Receivables Report (EbscoHost - BSP)

Reimbursement Advisor (Dennis Barry’s Reimbursement Advisor) (EbscoHost - BSP)

See the complete set of over 130 eligible eTOC journals here.

To sign up for any or all of the above, contact your Librarians :

Michele Matucheski (MMC) at 3-0340
or      Margo Lambert (STE) at 8-2325

Many of these titles come from Business Source Premier (via Badgerlink), offering full-text access to thousands of business journals, including 300 titles on Accounting! Badgerlink is a collection of full-text databases available to citizens of Wisconsin.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Getting to the Full-Text When You Have a Citation : A Step-by-Step Tutorial with Screenshots

Part 2 : Using the A-Z List PubMed ID Shortcut

There are several ways to get to the full-text when you have a citation in hand, as from a reference list. This method uses the PubMed ID Number and taps into our Affinity full-text.
Affinity Library Services has access to nearly 12,000 full-text journals that are not otherwise available for free on the internet. We subscribe to some of these, and take advantage of other full-text options available to us, like Badgerlink.
These are the secrets only your Librarians will tell you!

Go to the Tutorial [Affinity access only].

Getting to the Full-text Tutorials [Affinity access only] :
When You Have a Citation – Part 1) Using the PubMed Citation Matcher

When You Have a Citation – Part 2) A-Z List PubMed ID Shortcut

When You are Searching - Part 3 ) Google Scholar and Affinity Full-Text

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting to the Full-Text Article when You Have a Citation : A Step-by-Step Tutorial with Screenshots

Part 1 - Using PubMed Citation Matcher

There are several ways to get to the full-text when you have a citation in hand, as from a reference list. This method uses the PubMed Citation Matcher and taps into our Affinity full-text.

Affinity Library Services has access to nearly 12,000 full-text journals that are not otherwise available for free on the internet. We subscribe to some of these, and take advantage of other full-text options available to us, like Badgerlink.

These are the secrets only your Librarians will tell you!

Go to the Tutorial [Affinity access only].
Getting to the Full-text Tutorials :
When You Have a Citation – Part 1) Using the PubMed Citation Matcher (This one)

When You Have a Citation – Part 2) A-Z List PubMed ID Shortcut

When You are Searching - Part 3 ) Google Scholar and Affinity Full-Text

Friday, August 13, 2010

Emailed Tables-of-Contents (eTOCs) for Heart & Cardiology Journals

The following is a subset of professional and clinical journals focusing on cardiology. You can receive emailed updates for each new issue, with links to the full-text articles (as long as you’re using an Affinity computer or remote access). eTOCs are a great way to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in this ever-evolving specialty.

* Sneak a peak at what you’ll get for the titles below.
* Click article titles to access full-text.
* Sign-up for email notices if you like what you see.
* Or just tell us what you want, and we’ll do the rest!

American Heart Journal (SD) Table of Contents
American Journal of Cardiology (SD) Table of Contents
American Journal of Medicine (SD) Table of Contents
Annals of Internal Medicine (EbscoHost) Contact Affinity Library Services to register for email alerts for this journal.
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions (Wiley) Table of Contents
Chest (Publisher) Table of Contents Contact Affinity Library Services to register for email alerts for this journal.
Circulation (Ovid & HW) Table of Contents
Harvard Heart Letter (EbscoHost) Contact Affinity Library Services to register for email alerts for this journal.
Heart & Lung (SD) Table of Contents
JAMA (OVID) Table of Contents
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention (Ovid) Table of Contents
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (Ovid) Table of Contents
Journal of the American College of Cardiology (SD) Table of Contents
Journal of Vascular Nursing (SD) Table of Contents
Mayo Clinic Proceedings (EbscoHost) Contact Affinity Library Services to register for email alerts for this journal.
NEJM : New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Table of Contents

See the complete set of over 130 eligible eTOC journals here.

To sign up for any or all of the above, contact your Librarians :
Michele Matucheski (MMC) at 3-0340 or Margo Lambert (STE) at 8-2325.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

PubMed Clinical Queries : EBM Tool

What is it ? PubMed Clinical Queries is a powerful search tool to extract relevant clinical research studies and systematic reviews from PubMed.

* Identify the best clinical research, while weeding out the rest.

* Easily search for evidence-based practice systematic reviews, including Cochrane Reviews.
(Really--you'll be amazed at how easy it is to pull up EBM Results!)

Where is it? On the PubMed home page. Bonus : Use the PubMed link on the Affinity Library Services Intranet Page to tap into our full-text offerings.

Navigation : Affinity Intranet > Library > PubMed Medline > Clinical Queries

How to use Clinical Queries?
PubMed Tutorial Slides about Clinical Queries.
These slides are part of a longer PubMed Tutorial. Watch as much or as little as you like. Slides 8-11 give a good overview of how and when to use PubMed’s Clinical Queries Tool, complete with animated demonstrations.

What changed? The new layout :

The Clinical Queries page has been reconfigured with columns to preview the first five citations of the results for the three research areas. The radio buttons for Clinical Study Categories and the checkboxes for Medical Genetics have been replaced with pull-down menus. While previewing results, you may make alternate menu selections for the Clinical Study Categories and Medical Genetics to modify those results of your search. Citations display in "Recently Added" order and link to the Abstract format in PubMed. "See all" links to the complete results.
Descriptions of the research areas appear under each column. (NLM Technical Bulletin)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From the Archives : Home Remedy Shock Device : Medical Quackery


J.H. Brunnell New No.4 D.D. Home Medical Apparatus Antique
Also known as an Anti-Doc Battery Electric Quack Medical Device
or, more simply, a home remedy shock device, circa 1890s.

This induction coil electropathy quack device was perceived to have healing properties by delivering electric shocks to the afflicted areas of the body. In it's day, it was used to "keep the doctor away."

This particular specimen is missing the huge dry cell battery.

The label is still intact and readable on the top lid. 
Click the image to see a larger version that you can read.

This item was donated to the MMC Archives by Mrs. Lynda Kleinschmidt-Johnson in June 2010. This unit is currently on display in the MMC Library.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Changes to OvidSP will Improve Searching Medline and EBM Reviews

Expert Searching : Although we make our knowledge resources available for anyone at Affinity to search on their own, your Librarians are willing and able to do the searching for you. We're fast, efficient, and thorough. Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll return a list of focused results fitting your search parameters. When we do the searching, it gives you more time to take care of your patients. Just ask us!

Questions? Contact your Librarians via phone, Outlook, or in person :
Michele Matucheski (MMC Library) 3-0340
Margo Lambert (STE Library) 8-2857

For those who prefer to do their own searching, Ovid has announced changes to the OvidSP interface that will go live on August 1. OvidSP is the interface we use to search Ovid Medline and Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (including The Cochrane Library). Access Medline (Ovid) and The Cochrane Library on The Affinity Library Website. Test-drive the new version of OvidSP by clicking the “Try it now!” button at the top of all Ovid Search pages.

Self-Running Tutorials are also available. Choose from eight 3-5 minute online tutorials (April 2010 release) :
Advanced Search Overview
Applying Limits to Search Results
Basic Search Overview
Find Citation Overview
Multi-Field Search Overview
Search Fields Overview
Search Tools Overview
Select a Database

An additional aid in the transition is a side-by-side screenshot comparison of the current platform vs. the new enhancements .

OvidSP Resource Center includes the following :

Contact Library Services with any questions or concerns.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MedlinePlus Gets a New Look!

On Wednesday, July 14, MedlinePlus ( unveiled a completely redesigned site with a fresh look and feel, including a new logo, and distinctive color schemes for English and Spanish pages. The quality consumer health and patient education content is still available in the new design, with some exciting new features and enhancements. The new design emphasizes search, makes navigation more intuitive, and highlights frequently used content.

Some highlights of the new design are:

The National Library of Medicine invites you to visit the new MedlinePlus to see the changes and new features for yourself. Let us know what you think of the new design by clicking the Contact Us link that appears on every page.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

MDConsult Point-of-Care CME

FREE Point of Care CME credit is now available on MD Consult.
Physicians may earn 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ for each search conducted through MD Consult. To learn more, view this 3-minute multimedia slide show or contact

Quickly and easily access continuing medical education credit, free of charge, just by searching content on MDConsult?

Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education provides one-click Point-of-Care CME credit with self-directed, structured, online learning. This promotes a learning experience that is tailored to doctors' individual needs.

Doctors can now obtain 0.5 credits with each search conducted through MD Consult simply by clicking "request CME" when they access content relevant to their practice.
It's the fast and easy way to earn CME, and it's available just by using MD Consult!
Click here to learn more.

Contact your Librarians via phone, Outlook, or in person :
Michele Matucheski (MMC Library) 3-0340
Margo Lambert (STE Library) 8-2857

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Joint Commission : Comment on Any Standard at Any Time

In order to continuously gather feedback from customers and stakeholders, The Joint Commission created an online feedback form that allows customers and other interested parties to comment on the standards. This form, available via the Internet, allows for constant customer and stakeholder feedback on the standards— without waiting for a formal field engagement.

In particular, The Joint Commission wants to know which standards customers and stakeholders value the most and those that they consider to be of questionable value to the delivery of quality health care.

Where to find it on the Affinity Intranet:

Affinity Intranet > Library
> Joint Commission Resources
> JC’s Comment on Any Standard (Right-hand column)

You can also just Google it, or use the search box at the top of the Intranet Homepage.
Type in : “joint commission comments.”

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Features in CINAHL-FullText

Cinahl stands for The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature. It indexes professional journals in nursing and allied health fields. Consulting the literature is a great way to make an informed decision in your practice.
You’ll find a link for CINAHL on the bottom of the Affinity Library Services Home page (Affinity Access Only).

We are pleased to announce the recent release of several new features, added to our CINAHL subscription.

New Limiters
There are two “Written by a Nurse” limiters:
* First Author is a Nurse
* Any Author is a Nurse
* More details on them can be found here.

Pre-CINAHL limiter searches just pre-CINAHL. More details can be found here.
Human limiter applies to all records which represent research studies on humans. More details can be found here.

Data Elements Added
* Digital Object Identifier (DOI): We have added the DOI from 2009 forward.
* Pubmed Central ID (PMCID): We have added the PMCID from 2009 forward.

Please visit EBSCO's CINAHL Support Center for a wide variety of training and support options.
Contact your Librarians, Michele Matucheski (3-0340 at MMC) or Margo Lambert (8-2325 at STE) for a personalized training session on using CINAHL efficiently.
Or ask us to do the searching for you. We do it every day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

1946 Bill for Tonsilectomy at Mercy

Click on picture to see an enlarged view.

In 1946, the hospital bill at Mercy Medical Center in Oshkosh was $10.35 for a tonsilectomy.
The doctor's bill for the same procedure was $35, including anesthesia.

How times have changed! This seems like pocket change to us now ...

These documents were recently donated to the MMC Library Archives.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

PubMed Search Clinics

PubMed is a powerful search engine that indexes the medical, nursing and allied health journal literature. Bonus : Use the PubMed Link on the Library Intranet webpage, and you’ll tap into our full-text offerings.

Brush up on your PubMed Search Skills with the following Search Clinics :

PubMed Advanced Search Page Modified
See the NLM Technical Bulletin for details and screenshots

Search Clinic: Building a PubMed Search
NLM Technical Bulletin, Mar-Apr 2010

Skill Kit: Save Time Finding Citations by Title Matching in the PubMed Search Box
NLM Technical Bulletin, May-Jun 2010

Skill Kit: Searching Full Author Names in PubMed
NLM Technical Bulletin, Mar-Apr 2009.

If you’re looking for more in depth training, try this :
PubMed Search Clinic Online Recording
PubMed April 20 Search Clinic: Building a PubMed Search is now online.
A thirty minute online search clinic was presented by the NLM via Adobe Connect on Tuesday, April 20. The presentation covered the mechanics of the PubMed Search Builder and how to search using tags.

More PubMed Online Training Resources

Questons about PubMed? Ask us to do the searching for you. Just tell us what you’re looking for. Feel free to contact your Librarians via phone, Outlook, or in person :

Michele Matucheski (MMC Library) 3-0340
Margo Lambert (STE Library) 8-2857

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Reminder - STE Health Science Library - New Location

The St. Elizabeth Hospital Health Science Library has been in its new location for a few months now. Here is a reminder of how to find us and what you'll find when you get here.

The library is located in the basement of the 2006 Hospital Addition near the lab. The most direct way to get to the library is to take the elevator near the gift shop to the lower level. Turn right when you get off the elevator and the library will be the first door on your left.

In addition to books and journals, we have a table and chairs and four computer workstations. Library hours are still Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4:30 PM, but Affinity staff can use the library 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Just ask a security officer to open the door.) The new Health Science Library is open to Affinity Employees. The Resource Café Library near the coffee shop is open to the public.

Please know that, even though our space is smaller, the library staff at St. E's will continue to provide you with resources and information that you can use to care for your patients, perform other duties, and keep informed about your own health and wellness. You can count on us for professional, friendly service, high-quality research, and quick document delivery whether you visit the library in person or use the library remotely.

We hope to work with you soon. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you very much!

Margo A. Lambert, MLIS
Librarian – St. Elizabeth Hospital Libraries

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Health Care Resources for Mobile Devices

Many health care professionals are using mobile devices in clinical settings to enhance patient care as well as their own continuing education.

We’ve recently updated our road map for
Mobile Computing : Smart Phones, PDAs, and PocketPCs (Affinity access only).

On it, you’ll find a listing of selected free and low-cost options for all types of mobile devices. Sources include options for :
* Drug info
* Differential diagnosis
* Point-of-care tools
* Calculators, and
* Gateways to even more options.

This list is not meant to be comprehensive. If you want to suggest an addition to the list, let me know. I’d love to hear what you’re using!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mobile MDConsult

MD Consult Mobile provides small screen access to MD Consult with a new interface optimized to work on Smartphones and mobile devices most commonly used by physicians including:

· iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad · Blackberry Storm and Bold · Palm Treo · T Mobile G1 (Android) · HTC – Fuze · Nokia N85

MD Consult Mobile includes the following functionality:
· Browse MDC content through growing list of Recommended Resources pages which direct user to best resources efficiently

· Search MDC reference content focused specifically on Reference Books, Clinics, Practice Guidelines and Journals/Medline

· View the full text of all of the searchable content plus Images included in the articles and books

· Share content links – by email with a colleague or to themselves for later review

How to Register for MDConsult (Affinity only) Tutorial with screenshots

Mobile Computing Resources - What else do we offer? (Affinity only)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Find Us on FaceBook

Affinity Library Services has a brand new Facebook page. The goal of the new page is to share news, information, tips, tutorials, and useful links with interested readers.

If you want to keep track of us on FaceBook, Become a Fan.
When you get to our page, click on Like (formerly “Become a Fan”).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ask a Librarian : PubMed & Full-Text Options

Question : PubMed is so frustrating. Every time I find the perfect research article, I click to find that the full-text is not available unless I pay a fee.

Answer : The PubMed database includes complete article citation info and abstracts whenever possible. PubMed shows links with options for obtaining the full-text but not the full-text itself. On occasion, these options are free, but publishers often require a fee to see the full-text.

Anyone in the world can use PubMed at . However, if you use this PubMed link or the one the Affinity Library Services website, you’ll see additional icons in this version of PubMed, because it ties into our Affinity full-text offerings. Feel free to bookmark this link or make a short-cut. As long as you are using an Affinity computer, or remote access, the full-text links should work. The following icons can help lead you to Affinity full-text :

In some cases where we have relationships with the publishers for certain titles, the publisher icons will also work.

Please be aware that the publisher icons will appear whether or not we have agreements with them for online access.

PubMed indexes thousands of subscription journals, many more than any single library could afford. In the current economic climate, libraries have had to make hard decisions about which subscriptions to maintain, and what to let expire. Fortunately, Affinity Library Services is part of a strong network of medical libraries around the world. If we don’t have immediate access to a particular article you need, the chances are very good that we’ll be able to borrow a copy from another library within a day or so.
If you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact your Librarians :

Michele Matucheski (MMC Library) 3-0340 or Outlook
Margo Lambert (STE Library) 8-2857

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Current Health News via MedlinePlus

If you want to keep up with what your patients are reading, check out the Current Health News via MedlinePlus. Sources include Reuters Health Information, HealthDay, and recent press announcements from major health organizations.

You can see these updates in a number of ways:

Visit the MedlinePlus website
Receive Current Health News via email (simply click on the link to News and follow the instructions
Have the updates sent to your RSS Reader (such as Google Reader or Bloglines)

You can often link to more detailed information within the articles.

Please contact Michele at Mercy Medical Center (223-0342) or Margo at
St. Elizabeth Hospital (738-2324) if you would like more information about MedlinePlus or if you need help signing up to receive health news updates.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Consumer Health Info in Your In Box

Want to keep up with the latest developments in health and medicine?
Confused by the technical jargon in professional medical journals?
Affinity Library Services offers access to consumer health newsletters in plain language from reliable sources like Harvard Medical School and Mayo Clinic.

YOU can receive emailed updates for each new issue, with links to the full-text articles.
Just let us know which ones you want, and we’ll do the rest!

Contact Affinity Library Services to register for email alerts for the following newsletters.

For a sneak peak at the content, click on the blue links, then choose the current year to see available issues.

Consumer Reports on Health (Badgerlink/EbscoHost)
Harvard Health Letter (EbscoHost)

For questions, comments, and assistance, please contact your Librarians :

Michele Matucheski (MMC) at 3-0340
or Margo Lambert (STE) at 8-2325.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Obtaining Tax Forms and Information

Spring has sprung, the birds are singing and daylight savings time has begun.

All of this can mean only one thing … it is THAT time of year … time to file our taxes.

Your local public libraries often have the most frequently used forms. However, you can also use these links to get the forms you need AND file electronically if you wish.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Consumer Health Complete (via Badgerlink)

Consumer Health Complete makes health information available online to citizens of Wisconsin through Badgerlink and Wisconsin Libraries (including Affinity Library Services).

Watch this 5-minute tutorial or PowerPoint to learn how to get the most out of Consumer Health Complete for patient education and consumer health info. PowerPoint Version.

Consumer Health Complete offers the following :
6,000 Evidence-based Reports in easy-to-understand language
175 Encyclopedias and Reference Books
Fact Sheets and Pamphlets
Drug and Herb Info
Alternative and Complimentary Medicine
Images & Diagrams
Videos and Animations
English and Spanish languages

Where is it on the Library Pages?
Affinity Intranet > Library > Consumer Health Complete (under Most Popular Links)

Affinity Intranet > Library
> Find Patient Education Handouts > Consumer Health Complete

If you would prefer a more personal session, your Librarians are available to walk you through it. Call, stop by the libraries, or email via Outlook.

Margo Lambert at STE 8-2325
Michele Matucheski at MMC 3-0340

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Easy-to-Read Patient Education Materials in MedlinePlus

Are you looking for patient education materials that are easy-to-read?
Medical concepts and language are very complex. People need easily understandable health information regardless of age, background or reading level. Try the following free sources :

MedlinePlus Easy-To-Read (National Library of Medicine) includes patient education handouts, many in Spanish as well as English.

MedlinePlus Interactive Tutorials
The Patient Education Institute offers a series of interactive tutorials that can be set to run for patients. Viewers can “page” through it if they are comfortable with computers, or it can run by itself. The tutorial will READ the content to the patient, so even if they don't read (or don't like to), they can still take in the info by hearing it. This is also great for people for whom English is not their first language. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition in easy-to-read language. There's also a printable 1-page text summary that can be used as a handout.

Find additional consumer health and patient education resources here.

Friday, March 05, 2010

St. Elizabeth Hospital Health Science Professional Library Now Open

We are pleased to announce that the Health Science Professional Library at St. Elizabeth Hospital is now open in its new location.

The new library is much smaller than the previous space and, while there are still network computers and a table and chairs, there is no longer a lounge area. Some of the newspapers and magazines are located in the doctor's lounge (the current one and, eventually, the new one) and others are located in the Resource Café Library.

For safety and security reasons the professional library will only be open to Affinity staff. Patients and visitors will be welcome to use professional library resources, but instead of getting them in person they will need to go to the Resource Cafe Library and request those materials from library staff.

Fiction and general interest audio books are now shelved in the Resource Café Library. (Cassettes are on the spinning rack by the desk and CDs are on the shelf behind the computer terminal on the left.)

In addition to the Book Return outside the professional library there is a locked book return box just outside the entrance to the coffee shop/Resource Café Library (look down and to your right as you enter the coffee shop). Materials from the professional library may be returned there and we will make sure they get back to the right place.

Please know that, even though we are in a different location and in a smaller space, we still offer the same services to which you have grown accustomed and can provide you with the information that you need in order to perform your duties.

While we are happy to see you we understand that it may be difficult for some of you to get to the new library location. If you need information or library materials and cannot come to the library in person, please email, call, or fill out an online library request form and we can send the resources to you via email or Interoffice Mail.

The process of planning the new library and substantially editing the collection to fit into the space has been long but ultimately very rewarding. We are very happy with our new space and look forward to seeing how the rest of the STE Hospital Revitalization progresses.

We look forward to your visit.

Best regards-

Margo A. Lambert, MLIS
Karen Witz, MS
St. Elizabeth Hospital Library Staff